Irene Santos Mayo

Govert Leijdens

Puck Dekkers

Completed Theses

Roman Pavelkin (Master thesis): “Resolving complex fiber structures with Computational Scattered Light Imaging”

Celine Körner (Bachelor thesis): “Methods for automatic error correction of nerve fiber orientations in scattered light microscopy”

Benedict Kupetz (Bachelor thesis): “Computer-aided evaluation of light scattering patterns for an improved interpretation of nerve fiber inclinations”

Oliver Münzer (Master thesis): “Efficient Scattered Light Imaging Using Compressed Sensing Approaches”

Franca auf der Heiden (Master thesis): “Development of a Scattering Polarimeter for Multi-Modal Measurements of Brain Tissue”

Marouan Ritzkowski (Master thesis): “Development of a scatterometry method for improved examination of nerve fiber orientations in brain sections”

Mehdi Oubaggi (Bachelor thesis): “Optimization of Light Source and Illumination Pattern for Scattered Light Imaging on Brain Tissue”

Jan A. Reuter (Master thesis): “Analysis and validation of light scattering measurements for improved reconstruction of nerve fiber architecture in histological brain sections using 3D-PLI”

Mike Huwer (Master thesis): “Development of a light scattering technique to determine nerve fiber orientations in brain tissue”


Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Precision and Microsystems Engineering, Delft, the Netherlands

Eramsus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Forschungszentrum Jülich, Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, Jülich, Germany

Stanford University, Department of Radiology, Stanford, USA

Vilnius University, Faculty of Physics, Laser Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania

University of Toronto, Department of Physics, Toronto, Canada

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